Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tadaaaah! - The Blue Blanket

Yippeeeeee! Isn't it just gorgeous?

It's finally time for my first Tadah! post and I am just thrilled that it's this blanket. I started this nearly a year ago and you can find my first post about it here and you can see it in progress here. I actually finished it several weeks ago but I had to wait for a bright day to take some photos.

Making this blanket has been a rollercoaster. There were times I absolutely adored it and never wanted to stop crocheting it. There were times I doubted my yarn choice and cursed at all those blinking ends! It traveled across the country with me to stay with my mum over the summer, and it was still a WIP when we moved into this flat. I also have lots of sad feelings associated with this blanket because as I was working on the border one evening, my guinea pig became very sick quite suddenly. She died within seconds of me realising, snuggled in my arms. Although she was old (nearly 6) and I was prepared for it, I do miss her terribly. So with all this emotion tied up in the blanket I really didn't want it end.

It is so snuggly but not heavy. Although I am enjoying the end result I won't be crocheting something so big with 4 ply yarn anytime soon! This was originally intended to decorate the end of our bed but it ended up too small so now I get to cuddle up under it on the sofa with P. 

Do you like the border? I made it up myself and I am really thrilled with how it turned out and I hope to make a tutorial for it at some point. And the joining method too, mustn't forget that.

Here it is hanging out with my owlie cushion (only £6!) on our horrible rented sofa.

So I bet you're itching to see it all spread out? Because I'm itching to show you...


Yum yum. Aren't the colours just scrumptious? I do love my granny square blanket so much.

Well, that's it from me for today. Hope to talk to you all again soon,

Em xxxxx